2025 Early Bird Family Trial Membership
On sale NOW $899
Ski the rest of the 24/25 season and ALL of the 25/26 season
Valid until February 20, 2025
Includes season passes for 2 parents residing in the same household and all unmarried, dependent children living at home through the age of 25. Lessons and Programs are an additional cost.
(note* BSC office may ask for proof of residency of anyone listed on the trial membership)
• This offer is limited
• Current Initiated Member referring rebate is $300
•Current Initiated Member rebate cannot exceed season pass cost for 2025/26 season.
Already do the Trial Membership? Then its time to join as a full member
Grow With Us Membership Initiation $500 + annual season pass
Your oldest child must be 6 years old or younger on or before 12/31/2023
Play With Us Membership Initiation $1000 + annual season pass
Your oldest child is 7 years or older on 12/31/2023
Email us to join as a full member